Währinger Strasse 108/6A , 1180 Wien
Ordination by appointment

Our Services

After accurate diagnosis, the goal is immediate pain elimination and subsequent tooth preservation. 

With the help of local anesthesia, your pain can be eliminated and we can treat it immediately.

Any pain, especially toothache, must be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible. This increases the chances of healing and the possibilities of tooth preservation.

Well-groomed clean teeth are our "business card" and an important prerequisite for our health.

However, daily brushing alone is usually not enough to completely remove tartar and plaque (bacterial plaque, biofilm), which can cause tooth decay and periodontitis. You cannot prevent unsightly discoloration caused by tea, coffee, red wine or smoking with a toothbrush alone.

Professional teeth cleaning also reaches the areas of your dentition that you cannot reach even with the best dental hygiene. For example, narrow interdental spaces and the neck of the tooth. Only professional teeth cleaning completely and gently removes hard and soft plaque as well as discoloration at the gumline.

Therefore, we recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned at least 2 times a year.

For patients who already have dental implants, we recommend professional teeth cleaning more often than 2 times a year. This is because cleanliness and prevention are very important. Otherwise, bone loss could occur around the dental implant. 

Parodontitis is a chronic inflammation of the gums and periodontium. Since it is largely painless, it often goes unnoticed for a long time and destroys both tissue and jawbone. This leads to tooth loosening and even tooth loss.

This disease affects overall health, as periodontitis bacteria and inflammatory substances can enter the bloodstream through the gums. They can thus cause further damage, not only to the mouth area, but also to the whole body.

Patients at risk are:

  • Diabetic
  • Cardiovascular
  • Patients with artificial heart valves
  • Patients with artificial hip or knee joints

Symptoms of periodontitis may include:

  • Redness of the gums
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Bleeding gums during dental care
  • Gum recession

Our treatment concept provides for the following treatment steps:

  • Pretreatment: professional tooth cleaning/ oral hygiene, disinfection and biofilm management, microbacterial examination
  • Main treatment: Measuring the pocket depths, deep cleaning of the gingival pockets, additional individual antibiotic therapy if necessary.
  • Follow-up treatment: Control of tissue regeneration, biofilm management
  • Subsequent lifelong supportive periodontal therapy: As professional teeth cleaning every 3-4 months
  • Annual control

Our indulgence, eating and drinking habits leave traces on our teeth. Unsightly discoloration of the teeth is caused by coffee, tea, red wine and nicotine. Whitening toothpaste does not bring the desired effect.

After checking your dental health, we will make a diagnosis about the condition of your teeth. In the process, you will learn the treatment options for your personal whitening.

There are several types of bleaching, so we will advise you in detail.

Professional teeth cleaning is necessary before whitening.

We will be happy to assist you with any further questions.

Today, tooth damage caused by caries can be treated with dental fillings made of different materials.

Dental fillings should last as long as possible, ideally for life. A timely investment in your own teeth will save many times the cost of dentures later.

We offer different materials for different cases for this purpose: 

-) High-quality ceramic-filled resin for minor tooth damage
-) Ceramic inlays or gold inlays for major tooth damage. 

The first encounter with the dentist shapes children's future attitude towards the dental atmosphere. Children should already visit a dentist between the ages of 2 and 3. It is important that the child feels comfortable and receives the necessary attention.  Due to the special anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, special treatment concepts are used and treatment is carried out in a relaxed atmosphere with the parent present. Short waiting times and a sensitive approach increase the chances of successful treatment. With the Tell - Show - Do method, the treatment is presented to the children as playfully as possible and made understandable by explaining, showing and doing.  In the process, brushing the teeth is practised with the child to familiarise him or her with dental care in the future. Apart from that, daily brushing and regular visits to the dentist are crucial for the preservation of the teeth.

Patients of all ages are treated in the best possible way to find the optimal solution. After a comprehensive orthodontic examination, an accurate diagnosis is made. This is followed by a detailed consultation.

The aim is to achieve an optimal solution by avoiding tooth removal and using smaller brackets with as little friction and pressure as possible.

Due to the self-ligating bracket system, the teeth move in the jaw and the growth of the jawbone is stimulated naturally.

This is done through the cooperation with the orthodontist Dr. Evren Orun.

Microscopic endodontics The desired goal is tooth preservation! During root canal treatment, the inflamed pulp is removed. In order to preserve an inflamed tooth, the complete preparation of the canal system is a fundamental prerequisite. A surgical microscope enables us to visualise the canal system of the tooth down to the smallest detail and to treat it. The penetration depth and torque of the root canal files can be constantly monitored electronically. Special disinfectant solutions and ultrasound are used to clean all infected areas of the root canal system.  Afterwards, the prepared root canals are filled to make them bacteria-proof. A residual risk of tooth loss may remain despite the most careful treatment.

These are fixed dental restorations for individual teeth or for closing gaps between teeth where several teeth are missing. They can be made as ceramic bridges with a metal framework or as all-ceramic bridges with a zirconium oxide framework. Bridges are attached to the adjacent teeth of the tooth gap.

Bridges make sense when

  • teeth are at risk of breaking in order to prevent this as protection
  • defective teeth have been restored with large fillings or inlays
  • in the case of anterior teeth, any discolouration that may have occurred is covered by crowns
  • bridges are to be anchored on neighbouring teeth. The neighbouring teeth are crowned to prevent migration.
  • Teeth are worth preserving and gap formation and further jawbone loss are to be prevented.
  • Teeth are root canal treated to strengthen them
Over time, people lose teeth for a variety of reasons. Quality of life as well as aesthetics and phonetics can suffer. Implants are an option to the alternatives, such as dental bridges or dentures. Apart from aesthetics, implants are characterised by strength, stability and good chewing function. Furthermore, dental implants are well tolerated and permanently stable. Implants can be used to place single-tooth crowns, bridges and dentures firmly in the jaw.
If the gaps in the dentition are too large and a fixed denture is not an option, dentures can be used. A distinction is made between partial dentures with and without clasps and complete dentures. In terms of dental aesthetics and retention, cast dentures are more advantageous than clasp dentures. The hold of complete dentures in the upper jaw is slightly better than in the lower jaw. Due to the firm hold, implant-supported dentures are preferred.
Laser therapy is a form of therapy that has no side effects and is well tolerated by patients. A low-level laser therapy is used, which promotes wound healing including pain inhibition and induces anti-inflammatory and anti-oedematous effects. By activating the cell metabolism, the time for wound healing is reduced by half. The shortening of the healing time results in an increase in the patient's quality of life.
Veneers are thin shells made of ceramic and are firmly attached to the teeth. They improve the aesthetics of the teeth.

To keep waiting times as short as possible, we ask you to make an appointment by telephone. The ordination takes place exclusively by appointment.

+43 (0)1 402 67 64

Of course, we also offer the possibility of a written appointment via our contact form or e-mail address:

